Sponsors and supporters.


Our goal is to help you achieve yours.
New Balance Canada 300 Taylor Rd,
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0

Courtesy of New Balance, a pair of shoes will be provided for the overall male and female race winners.

THANKS New Balance!

Running Room 255 Princess St,
Kingston, ON K7L 1B4

Courtesy of Kyla Tozer, Running Room provides us with equipment, items for the race kits and gift cards to be awarded as draw prizes (gotta be there to win!).
THANKS Running Room!

Gears and Grinds 42 Queen St,
Kingston, ON K7K 1A4
Phone 613-544-7704

Courtesy of Aarron Jackson, Gears and Grinds provides us with all the prizing for our Youth event (overall prizes AND prizes for each runner).
THANKS Gears and Grinds!

Days On Front 730 Front Rd, Kingston
Phone 613-766-9000

Courtesy of Matt Day, Days on Front provides us with all the food for our BBQ and gift cards for the overall male and female masters winners.
THANKS Days on Front!

Health in Focus The Woolen Mill, 4 Cataraqui Street
West Wing, Basement Unit W22
25 Railway St., Kingston
Tel: (613) 544-7999

Courtesy of Kurtis Marlow, Health in Focus provides merchandise to be awarded as draw prizes (gotta be there to win!) and gift certificates for the 2nd overall male and female finishers (5k).
THANKS Health in Focus!

Levac Supply Main Office, 25 Railway St., Kingston
Tel: (613) 546-6663

Courtesy of Randy Levac, Levac Supply provides us with some great items that are awarded as draw prizes (gotta be there to win!).
THANKS Levac Supply!
Ramble sponsors

This event is organized by:

St. Andrews By-The-Lake
1 Redden St.,Kingston

Physi-Kult Kingston
'Run for your life'

Questions? Please contact the Race Director (Clive Morgan) at:
reddendaleramble'at'gmail.com (replace 'at' with @)


Copyright 2015 Reddendale Ramble. All rights reserved

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